ÍÑ¿ã°É has an inclusive philosophy whether it be supporting those with learning difficulties or extending those demonstrating an exceptional talent for academia, music, art, drama or otherwise.

Student Services is ÍÑ¿ã°É’s support, advice and consultancy service for staff, students and parents in relation to inclusive education, students with disabilities, gifted education and mental health across all sub-schools (Pre-kindergarten to Year 12). Student Services staff liaise closely with Social-Emotional Learning, Career Development, Health Centre and Boarding House teams as well as a large number of professionals and agencies outside of the College.

ÍÑ¿ã°É caters for a wide range of abilities within each class. Teachers are skilled at differentiating the curriculum and embedding best practice within their teaching and learning programs that caters for the educational needs of all students. The College also recognises that some students require additional supports, modifications and adjustments to access and engage in the curriculum. The implementation of documented plans (Education Strategy Plans and Individual Education Plans) are important for ensuring that students’ progress is planned for, monitored and evaluated.

If you are considering ÍÑ¿ã°É for your child with a disability, we encourage you to meet with our Director of Intervention and Extension and/or the Head of School for an individual consultation on how ÍÑ¿ã°É can support the needs of your child.